February 2025

From Stage to Museum / Letters from the Edge of the Forest

February, 22—February, 22, 2025 120 min

Saturday, 22 February, 11 am



After seeing the production of Letters from the Edge of the Forest, we will meet in front of the entrance to the LGL Šentjakob Stage and take the ...

Free Entrance / Slovene Cultural Day

February, 08—February, 08, 2025 On the Slovene Cultural Day, Saturday, 8th February, Museum of Puppetry offers a free entrance between 9AM and 6PM. See you!

January 2025

From Stage to Museum / The Four Musicians

January, 25—January, 25, 2025 120 min

Saturday, 25 January, 11 am



After seeing the production of The Four Musicians, we will meet in front of the entrance to the LGL Small Stage and take the funicular to Ljubljana...

October 2024

From Stage to Museum / The Visitor

October, 12—October, 12, 2024  120 min

Saturday, 12 October, 11 am

Ljubljana Puppet Theatre and Ljubljana Castle




After seeing the production of The Visitor, we will meet in front of the entrance to the...

September 2024

PEEK ・ABOO MUSEUM at the Festival LUTKE 2024

September, 23—October, 31, 2024 PEEK ・ABOO MUSEUM is a project of the Museum of Puppetry, founded by Lutkovno gledališče Ljubljana. It is a little a travelling exhibition that shows close-ups of some of the extraordinary...


September, 23—September, 29, 2024 PEEK ・ABOO MUSEUM is a project of the Museum of Puppetry, founded by Lutkovno gledališče Ljubljana. It is a little a travelling exhibition that shows close-ups of some of the extraordinary...

June 2024

Summer at the Museum

June, 10—August, 31, 2024 During the summer holidays, the doors of the Museum of Puppetry remain wide open. July to September, you can immerse yourself in a world of wonder and whimsy in our magical exhibition at Ljubljana...

From Stage to Museum / Thumbelina

June, 08—June, 08, 2024  120 min  

Saturday, 8 June, 11 am



After seeing the production of Thumbelina, we will meet in front of the entrance to the LGL Grand Stage and take the funicular to Ljubljana ...

May 2024

From Stega to Museum / Two Little Knights

May, 11—May, 11, 2024 120 min

Saturday, 11 May, 11 am



After seeing the production of Two Little Knights, we will meet in front of the entrance to the LGL Small Stage and take the funicular to Ljubljana...

April 2024

From Stage to Museum / Bear and Piggy

April, 20—April, 20, 2024 120 min  

Saturday, 20 April, 11 am



After seeing the production of Bear and Piggy, we will meet in front of the entrance to the LGL Small Stage and take the funicular to Ljubljana...

February 2022

Preserving Puppets

February, 25, 2022 The iconic puppetheque production of Speckles the Ball returns to the Ljubljana Puppet Theatre, having been running at the LGL almost without interruption for an astonishing 70 years! Since the...

January 2022

Magical 2022!

January, 01—January, 02, 2022

November 2021

Dusted: Girl Delfina and the Cunning Fox (1975)

November, 05, 2021—May, 06, 2024

The series of exhibitions called 'Dusted' returns to the foyer of the Ljubljana Puppet Theatre's Grand Stage for our visitors to get a closer look at the puppets used in the earliest Slovenian puppet ...

July 2021

Puppets by Melita Vovk on display

July, 31—July, 31, 2021 Beautiful puppets made in a manner of Sicilian pupi (opera dei pupi) were made by Slovenian painter and illustrator Melita Vovk in 1976. Our museum lended them for a big retrospective exhibition...

June 2021

Puppets by Melita Vovk on display

June, 01—July, 31, 2021 Beautiful puppets made in a manner of Sicilian pupi (opera dei pupi) were made by Slovenian painter and illustrator Melita Vovk in 1976. Our museum lended them for a big retrospective exhibition...

Coming soon!

June, 01, 2021 Making of the copies of the puppets from the play Speckles the Ball. Back in 1951, the original puppets were made by Ajša Pengov, today the copies were made by masters from the Ljubljana...

April 2021

We are back!

April, 19, 2021 The Exhibition of the Museum of Puppetry at Ljubljana Castle is reopened. Visit us daily between 10AM to 6PM. Welcome! The funicular railway is operating but see special terms and conditions here.

February 2021

Grab your copy!

February, 12, 2021 If we can't (yet) go to the museum, let the museum come to us! Our renowned experts Vesna Teržan and Matjaž Loboda wrote for our catalogue about Slovenian puppetry and Ada Hamza took some beautiful...

November 2020

Museum of Puppetry is closed

November, 16, 2020 Due to current situation our Museum is closed. All of the public activities are cancelled. We will let you know as soon as we come back!

May 2020

Museum of Puppetry is open again!

May, 04, 2020 Dear visitors, starting Monday, 4th May our permanent exhibition at Ljubljana Castle is open again daily from 10 AM to 6 PM. You are cordially invited!

December 2019

70 Years of Mystery

December, 28—December, 28, 2019 Sunday, 28. 12., 10:30
Guided tour of the Museum of Puppetry and Ljubljana Puppet Theatre for children (6+) and adults

The guided tour "70 Years of Mystery" kicks off in the Ljubljana...

November 2019

From Stage to Museum

November, 23—November, 23, 2019 120 min
Saturday 23. 11., 11:00
Ljubljana Puppet Theatre, Museum of Puppetry First, we will see Barley and the Boat performance on the Grand Stage of the Ljubljana Puppet Theatre. Next, we will...

October 2019

From Stage to Museum

October, 26—October, 26, 2019 120 min
Saturday 26. 10., 15:30
Ljubljana Puppet Theatre, Museum of Puppetry We will gather in front of the Small Stage and take the funicular to Ljubljana Castle, where we will visit the Museum of ...

June 2019

From stage to the museum

June, 08—June, 08, 2019 120 min
Saturday, 8.6., 11:00
Ljubljana Puppet Theatre, Museum of Puppetry First, we will see The Little Beasts of Rezija performance on the Grand Stage of the Ljubljana Puppet Theatre. Next, we will ...

May 2019

70 Years of Mystery

May, 26—May, 26, 2019 Sunday, 26. 05., 10:30
Guided tour of the Museum of Puppetry and Ljubljana Puppet Theatre for children (6+) and adults in Slovenian (with a funicular ride included).

The guided tour 70 Years of...

April 2019

70 Years of Mystery

April, 12—April, 12, 2019 Friday, 12. 04., 16:30

Guided tour of the Museum of Puppetry and Ljubljana Puppet Theatre for children (6+) and adults in Slovenian (with a funicular ride included). The guided tour 70 Years of...

March 2019

70 Years of Mystery on World Puppetry Day

March, 21—March, 21, 2019 Thursday, 21. 03., 16:30 on World Puppetry Day

Guided tour of the Museum of Puppetry and Ljubljana Puppet Theatre for children (6+) and adults in Slovenian language (with a funicular ride ...

January 2019

From Stage to Museum

January, 26—January, 26, 2019 120 min
Sunday, 26.1., 11:00
Ljubljana Puppet Theatre, Museum of Puppetry
  First, we will see the Room on the Broom performance on the Grand Stage of the Ljubljana Puppet Theatre. Next, we will ...

December 2018

70 Years of Mystery

December, 29—December, 29, 2018 Saturday, 29. 12., 16:30

Guided tour of the Museum of Puppetry and Ljubljana Puppet Theatre for children (6+) and adultsi n English (with a funicular ride included). The guided tour 70 Years of...

November 2018

Dusted: Jože Pengov - Glimpses

November, 27, 2018—January, 10, 2020 This year’s final Dusted exhibition features puppets from three performances, presenting in brief glimpses the achievements of Jože Pengov (1916–1968), director, first animator of the...

September 2018

Puppet prints

September, 15—September, 15, 2018 Creating workshop for children 4+ in Slovenian
Saturday 15.9.2018
Lutkovno gledališče Ljubljana, foyer

As time passed puppet clothing changed along with fashion trends. Lace, silk,...

70 Years of Mystery

September, 15—September, 16, 2018 Guided tour for children (6+) and adults in Slovenian
90 min

Saturday, 15. 9., 15.00
Sunday, 16. 9., 15.00
Lutkovno gledališče Ljubljana and Museum of Puppetry

This year the Lutkovno...

May 2018

Dusted: Big-Eyes the Little Owl (1972)

May, 24—June, 20, 2018 Big-Eyes the Little Owl was staged in 1972. It is the first classic performance to be presented as part of the Dusted exhibitions.  Big-Eyes the Little Owl is one of the most important classic...

April 2018

Video of Museum of Puppetry

April, 12—April, 12, 2018 This year on World Puppetry Day we released the first short video introducing the Ljubljana Puppet Theatre. You can view the video at: https://vimeo.com/261093009

September 2017

Doctor Faustus w/ eng subtitles

September, 24, 2017  The tale of a scholar who sold his soul to the devil has been inspiring European art for centuries. Today, the most famous reworking of the motif is considered to be the German legend based on...

June 2017

The Pioneers of European Puppetry

June, 30—September, 30, 2017 The beginning of the 20th century was rejuvenated by a generation of important figures, who proposed new forms in puppetry and integrated the artistic work of composers, writers and artists into...

September 2016

Building Audience in Culture

September, 13, 2016 Arts and cultural institutions need audiences. A major challenge lies in how to attract them and build their loyalty. During the seminar you will learn to analyse this problem and receive the...

Cassiopea Teatro: From 3 to 93. A Marvellous Invention

September, 13, 2016 A narrator. Five puppeteers. A wooden bridge. Some video clips showing present-day testimonies and archive films, interspersed with classic performances from the very well-known Piccoli...

Preserving Puppets

September, 12, 2016 Once it entered a museum’s collection, puppets pass from the status of theatrical object from the one of heritage artifact. Though they often can’t be handled on stage anymore, their...

Títeres Etcétera: The Soul of People

September, 12, 2016 The Soul of the People is a performance experience which is a mixture between puppet theatre, lecture and documentary. The Puppetmaster appears on stage to tell the audience about the secrets of...

In the Spotlight: Milan Klemenčič

September, 11, 2016 Besides being the first professional Slovene puppeteer, Milan Klemenčič was a painter, set designer and photographer. By studying at the Academy of Fine Arts in Venice, the Milan-based Brera Academy...

Come Up With a Story

September, 11, 2016 Just like Don Quixote we will head into the world adventures and imagination. From the magical box we will choose different objects, invent and interconnect stories about great puppet masters and...

The Pioneers of European Puppetry

September, 10—October, 02, 2016 The beginning of the 20th century was rejuvenated by a generation of important figures, who proposed new forms in puppetry and integrated the artistic work of composers, writers and artists into...

December 2015

Workshop on Puppet Exhibition Planning

December, 14, 2015 The mapping of the European puppetry tradition in general is not complete and the puppets in many cases are not well preserved. As the awareness to protect puppetry heritage is not yet established,...

November 2015

Doctor Faustus w/ eng subtitles

November, 15, 2015 The tale of a scholar who sold his soul to the devil has been inspiring European art for centuries. Today, the most famous reworking of the motif is considered to be the German legend based on Dr...

Doctor Faustus w/ eng subtitles

November, 08, 2015  The tale of a scholar who sold his soul to the devil has been inspiring European art for centuries. Today, the most famous reworking of the motif is considered to be the German legend based on...

October 2015

Hard-Heartedness Punished or Parsley’s Mother is in Debt

October, 25, 2015 Performed with replicas of the original puppets from the 1940s, this puppet play makes its comeback to the stage with a refreshed look to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the publication of the...

Doctor Faustus w/ eng subtitles

October, 11, 2015 The tale of a scholar who sold his soul to the devil has been inspiring European art for centuries. Today, the most famous reworking of the motif is considered to be the German legend based on Dr...

Doctor Faustus w/ eng subtitles

October, 04, 2015 The tale of a scholar who sold his soul to the devil has been inspiring European art for centuries. Today, the most famous reworking of the motif is considered to be the German legend based on Dr...

May 2015

Permanent Exhibition at the Ljubljana Castle

May, 26, 2015—May, 26, 2020 Permanent Exhibition of the Museum of Puppetry displays selected images and artefacts from the history of Slovenian puppetry.


PEEK ・ABOO MUSEUM is a project of the Museum of Puppetry, founded by Lutkovno gledališče Ljubljana. It is a little a travelling exhibition that shows close-ups of some of the extraordinary...

VIDEO: Preserving Puppets / Making of the Copies

A short video on how copies of the original ‘Speckles the Ball’ puppets are made. Take a look HERE or HERE. Concept: Tjaša Juhart, Zala Kalan Camera: Gregor Gobec Editing:...

VIDEO: Preserving puppets

Here you can see a short clip presenting how puppets are preserved in museum department of Ljubljana Puppet Theatre.

VIDEO: Museum of puppetry

This year on World Puppetry Day we released the first short video introducing the Ljubljana Puppet Theatre. You can view the video at: https://vimeo.com/261093009

Dusted: Jože Pengov - Glimpses

This year’s final Dusted exhibition features puppets from three performances, presenting in brief glimpses the achievements of Jože Pengov (1916–1968), director, first animator of the...

Digital exhibition Dusted: Martin Krpan (1950)

The second digital exhibition Dusted: Martin Krpan (1950) is now available at Sigledal.org! Visit the exhibition featuring nearly 70-year-old puppets, sketches, props, and documents at this...

Edi Majaron: In Puppets We Believe

There are many puppet stories still waiting to be discovered in dusty attics and abandoned chests. We are on a quest to find them and save them from sinking into oblivion! We are bringing them to...

Museum of Puppetry receives award

On Saturday, the annual conference of the Network of European Museum Organisations was held in Valletta where European Museum Academy and Hands On! Association presented the Children in Museums...

Our first digital exhibition Dusted

Our first temporary exhibition Dusted: Big-Eyes the Little Owl (1972) is now available at Sigledal.org, so you can take a virtual look anytime and anywhere. DUSTED is a series of temporary...

Dusted: Big-Eyes the Little Owl (1972)

Big-Eyes the Little Owl was staged in 1972. It is the first classic performance to be presented as part of the Dusted exhibitions.  Big-Eyes the Little Owl is one of the most important classic...

The Ljubljana Museum of Puppetry also shortlisted for the Museum in Short award

Once again, we are proud and happy to share with you the news that the international jury has selected the Ljubljana Museum of Puppetry to be one of the 12 finalists of the Museums in Short award, a ...

The Ljubljana Museum of Puppetry shortlisted for the European Museum Academy award

It is with great pleasure that we received the news about making it to the shortlist for the Children in Museums award with which the European Museum Academy awards museums employing creative...


Dusted is a series of temporary exhibitions set up by the museum department of the Ljubljana Puppet Theatre at various locations, usually at the Ljubljana Puppet Theatre. These exhibitions were...

Let’s meet in Ljubljana / Puppet Museums & Friends

From 29 February to 2 March 2016 the museum department of the Ljubljana Puppet Theatre hosted representatives from European puppet museums and other experts involved in puppetry heritage. At the...

Puppet Diaries #3: Following the Footsteps of the Grand Puppeteer

There are many puppet stories still waiting to be discovered in dusty attics and abandoned chests. We are on a quest to find them and save them from sinking into oblivion! We are bringing them to...

Puppet Diaries #2

There are many puppet stories still waiting to be discovered in dusty attics and abandoned chests. We are on a quest to find them and save them from sinking into oblivion! We are bringing them to...

Puppet Diaries

There are many puppet stories still waiting to be discovered in dusty attics and abandoned chests. We are on a quest to find them and save them from sinking into oblivion! We are bringing them to...

All Strings Attached: The Pioneers of European Puppetry Behind the Scenes

There are many puppet stories that are still hidden in musty attics or abandoned chests. They have a hard time finding their way out of museum archives. The objective of the project, which is a joint ...

Puppet of the month | September 2015: Žogica Marogica

The puppet of Speckles the Ball is one of the most cherished artefacts from the Museum of Puppetry, thanks to the massive success enjoyed by this eponymous play. While not the most valuable artefact...

Puppet of the month | October 2015: The Little Sleepy Star from Moscow

The Little Sleepy Star was first produced on the marionette stage of the City Puppet Theatre in 1955. It had a long and successful run at home and abroad until misfortune struck. The puppets from the ...